We will present up to date info-Videos-interviews-editorials, to rebuke all
the DISINFORMATION, & blocking/censoring of ‘things going on against Humanity’ by Globalism-The ‘UN’-‘World Economic Forum’-Cultural Marxism-‘Elitism’-The Medical-Big Pharma Dictatorship’-CDC-NIH-WHO (World Health Organization)-The ‘Main Stream Media’ & Complicit Social Media and Search Engine Giants-along with the Global Political Complicity-IN LOCKSTEP with all the Tyranny, taking away our Human Sovereignty, Freedoms, Choices, & shutting away the Boundless-in each of us-in an attempt to confine us all in a ‘Digital Imprisonment’ of Materialism/false Science which would remove our Spiritual-Natural Natures.
Join us here-get the uncensored-hidden agendas being used for ‘Power & Control’ over all of us. The enemies of Humanity-are War Criminals, so make no mistake ‘We Are At War’. We are then, not just the alternative views-but the Freedom soldiers with VENDETTA-to resist and overthrow Totalitarianism and Ignorance-of ‘What’s really happening-Together ‘We Are A Force’. Welcome aboard.

We need a site like this
Great website
Hi Sweeps. Welcome to the blogosphere.
Hi Sweeps!
Loving this site!!!
Thank you for all you do to keep folks informed on what’s REALLY happening !
Hi Sweeps,
Great idea, a blog, when you’re ready I’ll tweet it.
Great to see your new blog and hear you back on the airwaves Sweeps. A this critical time we need brave voices like yours to speak out, speak the truth and call time on this House of Lies… together we can tear it down, make it implode. Keep up your good work brother